UCTV2011.9.7---Dr. Ron E. Dahl:青少年大腦發育

UCTV2011.9.7---Dr. Ron E. Dahl:青少年大腦發育
Adolescent Brain Development
Adolescence is an exciting period of maturation that combines biological, behavioral and social changes, and brings with it an increased vulnerability in children. Families can use this window of opportunity to support their child's brain development, adjust the parent/child relationship and deepen family bonds. For some this may also include responding to behavioral and/or emotional changes in children. Dr. Ron E. Dahl, UC Berkeley Professor of Community Health and Human Development, describes how exciting advances in knowledge about adolescent brain development is providing unique insights to understanding the vulnerabilities that arise during adolescence. [9/2011] [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 21969]

青少年時期是一個令人興奮的時期成熟,結合生物,行為和社會的變化,並帶來了兒童的脆弱性增加。家庭可以利用這個機會之窗,以支持他們的孩子的大腦發育,調整父/子關係,深化家庭關係。對於一些這可能還包括響應行為和/或情緒變化的兒童。羅恩 E.達爾博士,加州大學伯克利分校教授社區健康和人類發展,介紹了如何在令人興奮的進展知識對青少年大腦發育提供獨到的見解,以了解在青春期出現的漏洞。 [9 /2011][健康與醫學][顯示 ID:21969]
