UCTV2011.11.18---Dr. Steven Edelman :控制1型糖尿病的成長

UCTV2011.11.18---Dr. Steven Edelman :控制1型糖尿病的成長
Taking Control of Your Diabetes: Growing Up with Type 1 Diabetes

A childhood diagnosis of type 1 diabetes can be devastating. But it doesn't have to be with the right about of family support to help the child cope and adjust to their new life. Dr. Steven Edelman talks with noted pediatric endocrinologist Dr. Sherry Franklin and her daughter Victoria, who has type 1 diabetes, for a unique perspective on how to live successfully with the disease. Series: "Taking Control of Your Diabetes (TCOYD)" [11/2011] [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 20828]


一個1型糖尿病的童年診斷可能是災難性的的。不過,這並不與家庭支持有關的權利,幫助孩子應對和適應他們的新生活。史蒂芬埃德爾曼博士會談,與著名的兒科內分泌博士雪莉富蘭克林和她的女兒維多利亞,誰擁有1型糖尿病,如何成功生活與疾病的一個獨特的視角。系列:“到你的糖尿病控制(TCOYD)”[二千零十一分之一十一][健康與醫學] [顯示編號:20828]
