
빛 쪼이면 암세포 파괴...새 전립선암 치료법 Current anti-cancer drugs are proven to slow the growth of deadly tumors in the body, but they cause some painful side-effects. There may be light at the end of tunnel, however, as Korean researchers have unveiled the world's first nanoparticle and light-driven cancer therapy. Yoo Li-an reports. Within this tiny animal test subject may lie the future of anti-cancer treatments, according to researchers at Sungkyunkwan University. After being induced with prostate cancer, scientists injected the mouse with an experimental anti-cancer drug and then irradiated the growing tumor with near-infrared light rays. Just 20 days after treatment, the size of the tumor was dramatically reduced with the previously high number of metastatic cancer cells thoroughly killed off. It's all thanks to an innovative new anti-cancer therapy that's designed to be precise, safe and effective. Using the universal genetic molecules of RNA and DNA as building blocks, nanostructures were artificially created to carry powerful anti-cancer drugs. And at the tail of each bio-engineered molecule lies a gold nanocrystal that plays an equally important role. Flowing through the blood stream like a guided missile, the custom-made nanoparticles seek out tumors and directly bond onto the surface of the cancerous cells. Doctors then activate the gold particles with near-infrared light, which causes them to heat up. The highly focused thermal energy burns away the tumor cells, while working in conjunction with the chemotherapy to ensure the cancer doesn't come back. The light-driven, anti-cancer treatment was found to be up to five times more effective than conventional alternatives, sparking new possibilities in modern medicine. "By utilizing the synergistic combination of anticancer drugs and thermal properties, we hope to be able to treat several different kinds of tumors. Even in cases of mid-or-late stage cancer, where the cancer has largely spread, we expect treatment to be effective." Commercialization of this unique cancer therapy, however, may up take up to 10 years due to clinical trials. Nonetheless, the results of the study were recently published in the prestigious scientific journal of Advanced Healthcare Materials. Yoo Li-an, Arirang News
빛 쪼 이 면 암 세 포 파 괴 ... 새 전 립 선 암 치 료 법 目前的抗癌藥物已被證明可緩慢生長的致命的腫瘤在身,但他們造成一些痛苦側的影響。可有輕微底隧道,但是,作為韓國的研究人員已經推出了世界第一個納米粒子和光驅動的癌症治療。侑李的一個報告。在這個小動物測試對象可能在於未來的抗癌治療,在韓國成均館大學的研究人員與前列腺癌誘導後,科學家們注射的小鼠實驗性抗癌藥物,然後與近紅外光線照射腫瘤生長。僅僅20天之後的治療,腫瘤的大小顯著減少的以前高數的轉移性癌症細胞徹底殺死關閉。這一切歸功於一個創新的新的抗癌療法,是設計精確,安全和有效的。使用通用遺傳分子RNA和DNA積木,納米結構人為造成的,進行強大的抗癌藥物。而在尾部的每個生物工程分子位於黃金納米晶體中起著同樣重要的作用。流經的血液流像一個導彈,量身定制的納米顆粒尋求腫瘤和直接鍵的表面上的癌症細胞。醫生然後激活的金顆粒,用近紅外光,這使得他們升溫的高度集中的熱能燒掉腫瘤細胞,而工作與化療相結合,以確保癌症不會回來。光驅動,防癌抗癌治療被認為是高達5倍更有效,比傳統的替代品,在現代醫學中引發新的可能性“通過利用協同組合的抗癌藥物和熱性能,我們希望能夠治療幾種不同類型的腫瘤。即使是在中期或晚期腫瘤,癌症在很大程度上傳播的情況下,我們預計治療是有效的。“ 這種獨特的治療癌症的商業化,但是,可能最多佔用10年來,由於臨床試驗。然而,研究結果最近發表在著名科學雜誌的高級醫療保健材料
