ARIRANG NEWS2014.10.27---韩国医院应用Google Glass医疗服务

ARIRANG NEWS2014.10.27---韩国医院应用Google Glass医疗服务
And in this next report, we see how Korea′s healthcare industry is seeking to incorporate technology into its medical services. Our Kim Min-ji takes us to a local hospital... that′s demonstrating how Google Glass can be used in the emergency room. This patient has just been hit by a car,... and is bleeding severely from his head. An ambulance worker puts on a smart, wearable device and starts recording what he sees and this can be seen from the hospital emergency room. I think the patient needs an I.V. Okay. Please give me permission to insert it. Yes, you have my permission. "In the 15 minutes it takes to get to the hospital, the paramedic follows the directions of the doctor, while hospital staff prepare the necessary medical equipment for the patient." It′s a scene that could be from a movie, but is part of a "smart" emergency medical service demonstration by Myongji Hospital in Goyang the FIRST of its kind in Korea. Using state-of-the-art-technology in this case, Google Glass, which enables real-time video communication the service aims to provide the best possible response in the shortest amount of time for patients that could be in critical condition. "Google Glass allows doctors to see the exact condition of the patient, and therefore allows for clearer and more effective treatments. The paramedic is also less burdened, as they have both hands free to use when attending to the patient." In this situation, Google Glass enables doctors to not only check the medical records of patients,... but also lets them view X-rays and CT and MRI scans... just by scanning a QR code that′s loaded with the patient′s details. Officials at Myongji Hospital hope to later adopt the technology in all areas of the hospital,... from wards and outpatient clinics to operating rooms. However, there are some obstacles they will have to clear beforehand. Not only will the system be costly to adopt,... Google Glass first needs to be authorized for medical use in Korea. Security issues are another concern,... as the device can currenly only be connected by wi-fi,... and not all of the data exchanged may be encrypted.
Kim Min-ji, Arirang News.
我們的金敏姬把我們帶到當地醫院...這是表明谷歌如何玻璃可以在急診室中使用。 這名患者剛剛被車撞了,...並從他的頭部嚴重出血。 救護車工作人員把一個聰明的,可穿戴的設備上,並開始記錄他所看到的,這可以從醫院急診室看到。 我想病人需要靜脈 好。請給我的許可,將其插入。 是的,你有我同意。 “在需要去醫院15分鐘後,醫務人員遵循醫生的指示,而醫院的工作人員準備必要的醫療設備,為病人”。 It'sa現場,可能是從一部電影,而是一個“聰明”的緊急醫療服務由明知醫院在京畿道高陽其在韓國的第一個示範的一部分。 在這種情況下,使用先進設備,最先進的技術,谷歌的玻璃,這使得實時視頻通信的服務宗旨,為患者,可能是病情危重在最短的時間內盡可能最好的回應。 “谷歌玻璃允許醫生看到患者的確切條件,並因此允許更清晰和更有效的治療方法。該輔助也更少負擔,因為它們具有雙手自由參加到患者時使用”。 在這種情況下,谷歌玻璃使醫生不僅檢查病人的醫療記錄,...但也讓他們查看X光片和CT和MRI掃描...只是通過掃描的加載與患者的QR碼的詳細信息。 官員明知醫院希望以後採用該技術在醫院的各個領域,...從病房和門診診所手術室。 不過,也有一些障礙,他們將不得不有言在先。 不僅系統是昂貴的採用,...谷歌玻璃首先需要授權在韓國醫療用途。 安全問題是另一個關注的,......因為該設備可以currenly只能通過無線網絡連接,...連接,而不是所有的交換可以被加密的數據。
