ARIRANG NEWS2014.11.1---印度SmartCane幫助視障人士

ARIRANG NEWS2014.11.1---印度SmartCane幫助視障人士
Moving around a large city can be a challenge for even the most mobile of us, but for people with visual impairments getting from one place to another is much more difficult and dangerous. But now a new device created by researchers in India could help the visually impaired navigate the obstacles more safely. Sohn Jung-in reports. For the visually impaired, everyday activities like crossing the street can be a challenge. But those tasks may soon get safer and easier, thanks to a newly developed device by the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. "It has added to the comfort level, it has added to the confidence level, it has, like, added to my experience of, like, walking on the road, commuting to my workplace, to my home, traveling to shopping malls and all. I feel empowered while using it." This electronic device, called a SmartCane, sends out ultrasonic waves as the user walks. If it detects any obstacles within a three-meter radius, it conveys the presence of the obstacles to the user through vibrations, which vary according to how far away the object is. The device can also spot objects above the knee, helping the user to avoid the kinds of upper body injuries suffered by many traditional cane users. What′s even better is its affordable price of just 50 U.S. dollars, which is about 25 times less than the market price of a similar product launched in 2011. Users say it has helped them get around quicker than ever. "My travel time has reduced by say, 25 percent. Earlier, if I used to take ten minutes to travel from one place to another, now I cover that distance in 7.5 minutes." If the SmartCane is introduced here in Korea, it is expected to improve life for the more than 250-thousand visually impaired people in the country.
Sohn Jung-in, Arirang News.
移動在一個大的城市可以為我們即使是最移動是一個挑戰,但對於視障人士獲得從一個地方到另一個更加困難和危險。 但是現在,研究人員在印度創建了一個新的設備可以幫助視障人士瀏覽功能障礙更安全。 孫某榮在報告中。 為視障人士的日常活動,如過街可以是一個挑戰。 但是,這些任務可能很快就會更安全,更方便,由於採用了新開發的技術德里的印度理工學院設備。 “它增加了舒適度,還增加了對置信水平,它一樣,加入到我的,就像經驗,走在路上,上下班到我的工作,我的家,前往商場和所有我感覺強大,而使用它。“ 這種電子裝置中,被稱為SmartCane,發送出作為用戶行走的超聲波。 如果它檢測到一個3米範圍內的任何障礙,它傳達的通過振動的障礙給用戶,其中將根據多遠對象是變化的存在。 該設備還可以發現物體在膝蓋以上,幫助用戶避免各種被許多傳統的甘蔗用戶遭受身體上的傷害。 有什麼更好的是其實惠的價格只有50美元,這比2011年推出了類似產品的市場價格低約25倍。 用戶說,它已經幫助他們避開速度比以往任何時候。 “我的旅行時間減少了發言權,25%。此前,如果我用來休息十分鐘從一個地方旅行到另一個,現在我覆蓋7.5分鐘的距離。” 如果SmartCane是在韓國推出,則有望改善生活,為超過250萬人視障人士在該國。
