dailyRx 2015.11.24---孤獨可能會縮短你的生命

dailyRx 2015.11.24---孤獨可能會縮短你的生命
Feeling lonely can hit you where it hurts — all the way down to the cellular level, suggests new evidence. Feeling socially isolated can have physiological consequences that could affect your life span, a new study found. More specifically, the study authors, led by John T. Cacioppo, PhD, a loneliness expert at the University of Chicago, found that loneliness may lead to "fight-or-flight stress signaling," which might weaken the immune system.
感到孤独可以打你的痛处 - 一路下跌到细胞水平,表明新的证据。 感觉被社会孤立可有生理后果可能会影响你的寿命,一个新的研究发现。 更具体地说,该研究的作者,带领由约翰·T.卡西奥普,博士,一个孤独的专家在芝加哥大学,发现,孤独感可能导致“战斗或飞行应激信号,”这可能会削弱免疫系统。
