UCTV2011.8.18---Dr. Cynthia Stuenkel:更年期

UCTV2011.8.18---Dr. Cynthia Stuenkel:更年期
Health Matters: Menopause
Dr. Cynthia Stuenkel discusses the myths and realities of menopause with host Dr. David Granet. How are women managing the hot flashes, mood swings, and insomnia attached to menopause? These questions and more are answered in this inspiring talk that educates and empowers women to actively and healthfully manage this passage. Series: "Health Matters" [8/2011] [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 20859]

辛西婭 Stuenkel博士討論了神話和現實的更年期與主機博士大衛葛蘭言。女性如何管理潮熱,情緒波動,失眠等更年期附?這些問題更多的是回答了這個鼓舞人心的談話是教育和賦予婦女權力,積極又健康管理這段話。系列:“健康問題”[8 /2011][健康與醫學][顯示 ID:20859]
