UCTV2011.8.30--- Dr. Steven Edelman :控制糖尿病

UCTV2011.8.30--- Dr. Steven Edelman :控制糖尿病
Taking Control of Your Diabetes: Setting Manageable Goals
Diabetes is a complex disease that needs to be managed carefully for success. Setting realistic goals is a key part of this equation. Dr. Steven Edelman talks with Angela Norton, RN, and diabetes patient Chet Carney about setting goals tailored for your lifestyle and creative tips to stay on track. Series: "Taking Control of Your Diabetes (TCOYD)" [8/2011] [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 20825]

糖尿病是一種複雜的疾病,需要認真加以管理的成功。制定切實可行的目標是一個關鍵組成部分這個方程。埃德爾曼博士史蒂芬會談安吉拉諾頓,RN和糖尿病患者切特卡尼有關設置目標專為您的生活和創作技巧,留在軌道。系列:“以控制您的糖尿病(TCOYD)”[8 /2011][健康與醫學][顯示 ID:20825]
