arirangtoday health2013.7.8---虚拟视频游戏物理治疗中风康复计划

arirangtoday health2013.7.8---虚拟视频游戏物理治疗中风康复计划
Can rehab be fun?
That's part of the goal of a new physical therapy program for stroke patients devised by a Korean doctor.
The program uses video games to get patients moving again.
Ji Myung-kil has more. This woman has had a stroke, and now she has difficulty moving her arms and legs.
As part of her rehabilitation program, she's playing a series of games developed by a doctor at Seoul National University hospital in Bundang, south of Seoul.
With this game, she uses her hands to move blocks from one side of the wall to the other.
The activity will help her to overcome the partial paralysis in her hands and fingertips as a result of the stroke.
Here, she controls a spaceship with her arms to avoid meteorites,.. which helps her to regain muscle control and improve her reaction time.
The virtual rehabilitation therapy can be easily done at home without the need to visit a hospital.
"This virtual rehabilitation game is fun and comfortable to use. I can do it by myself when I'm at home."
This game is based on the Kinect technology from Microsoft, which can detect a patient's movements and translate them into actions on screen.
"When a patient suffers a stroke,... it is likely that they will have some paralysis in their arms or legs. Using the Kinect camera device,.. patients can easily undergo rehabilitation by playing games."
Stroke patients can also play the virtual rehabilitation games in pairs,... which can add to the fun.
The games also provide information on the accuracy of a patient's movements and the patient's overall performance.
The games will be ready for commercialization within two years.
Ji Myung-kil, Arirang News.

“CC” 这是一个新的目标,由韩国医生发明的中风患者的物理治疗方案的一部分。
这个游戏她用她的手移动块从墙到其他的一侧,活动将帮助她克服了在她的手和指尖因中风半身瘫痪,在这里,她控制的飞船与她的胳膊避免陨石,.. 帮助她恢复肌肉的控制,提高她的反应时间。
“ 这游戏是基于微软Kinect的技术,它可以检测病人的运动,并把它们翻译成屏幕上的动作。“当病人患有中风,它很可能是他们将不得不一些瘫痪在他们的胳膊或腿。利用Kinect的摄像装置,患者可以轻松地玩游戏,进行康复。
“ 中风病人也能起到对虚拟康复比赛中,... 可以增加乐趣。游戏还提供有关患者的运动和病人的整体性能的准确性。本场比赛将是商业化准备在两年之内。纪明KIL,阿里郎新闻
