NMANews2014.11.27---Google X建立纳米平台检测癌症和心脏发作
NMANews2014.11.27---Google X建立纳米平台检测癌症和心脏发作
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Google is designing a technology that uses a wrist-worn sensor and magnetic nanoparticles to detect cancer in its early stages and prevent heart attacks and other diseases.
Known as the “Nanoparticle Platform,” the project was introduced by Andrew Conrad, the head of life sciences at the company’s Google X research lab, on Tuesday morning at a conference in Southern California.
According to Wired, the project is part of Google’s efforts to improve healthcare through new technologies.
The swallowable pill Google is developing would contain nanoparticles that, once inserted into the patient’s bloodstream, would be able to bind to cancerous cells or to a fragment of cancerous DNA.
The nanoparticles could also detect fatty plaque inside blood vessels that is on the verge of breaking free and causing heart attacks or strokes.
The nanoparticles would have a magnetic core that the wrist-worn sensor would use to retrieve them for analysis one or more times a day. By constantly monitoring a patient’s blood, the detection of cancer, impending heart attacks and other diseases could be made long before the appearance of any physical symptoms.
Wired quoted Conrad as saying that nanoparticles have already been used in the past, are safe and would be easily expelled from the body through urine.
Google did not say when the technology will be available in the market.